British Columbia

British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP)

The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC-PNP) is an immigration program through which a broad range of workers, graduates, and entrepreneurs can settle in British Columbia permanently. The BC-PNP is one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). It is one of the most varied of all the PNPs, with two broad streams for workers and graduates — Express Entry BC and Skills Immigration — plus an additional stream for entrepreneurs.

Home to the country’s third-largest city, Vancouver, British Columbia is also one of the most diverse provinces in all of Canada. British Columbia’s economy focuses on a strong natural resources sector, with an emphasis on forestry and mining. Its natural environment, with expansive forests and a unique coastal climate, is renowned as one of the most beautiful in Canada, and indeed the world.

B.C. Provincial Nominee Program

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The BC PNP accepts applications under two main immigration streams:

The Entrepreneur Immigration stream of the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is a path to immigrate to Canada and settle in B.C. for experienced entrepreneurs who can support innovation and economic growth in the province.

Entrepreneur Immigration Category — This category is for senior managers or business owners who intend to invest funds into a proposed business in British Columbia.

Entrepreneur Immigration — Regional Pilot — This new pilot is for international entrepreneurs looking to establish a new business in a small community in British Columbia.

Strategic Projects Category — Through this category, foreign-controlled companies can set up an operation in British Columbia. Up to five key foreign managerial, professional or technical staff members can be nominated for permanent residence in the province.

Minimum Requirements for Candidates

  • Personal net worth of at least $600,000 (including cash, assets in bank accounts, fixed deposits, real properties, investments, etc). The net worth must be legally obtained and may be under the spouse or common-law partner’s name. This net worth must verifiable if invited to apply;
  • Post-secondary credential or experience as an active business owner-manager with 100 percent ownership of the business for at least three of the past five years.
  • Eligible experience as an active business owner/manager and/or senior manager;
  • Submit a business concept that demonstrates an active and ongoing management role in the day-to-day operations of the proposed business and the creation of at least one new job in the proposed B.C. business; and
  • Personal investment of CAD $200,000 in eligible expenses.

The Skills Immigration Registration System (SIRS) is a dynamic management system for immigration to British Columbia, Canada. The SIRS allows the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) to rank and select candidates who have the ability to settle permanently in the province. As it is a points-based system, candidates receive a score based on the information provided when they register. The registration score will determine whether a candidate will receive an invitation to apply under one of five BC PNP categories that are managed under the system.

BC PNP Skills Immigration is divided into the following categories:
  • Skilled Worker Category
  • Healthcare Professional Category
  • International Graduate Category
  • International Post-Graduate Category
  • Entry Level and Semi-Skilled Worker Category
Express Entry British Columbia

Express Entry British Columbia aligns with the federal government’s Express Entry immigration selection system, allowing eligible applicants to receive priority processing of both their British Columbia PNP application and if nominated, their permanent residence application.

Following Skills Immigration categories processed through Express Entry:
  • Skilled Worker Category
  • Health Care Professional Category
  • International Graduate Category
  • International Post-Graduate Category

Nomination Requirements

If the applicants meet the requirements of the Performance Agreement within the 20 months, the BC PNP will nominate him or her for permanent residence. An applicant, along with his or her dependent family members, can then apply for Canadian permanent residence under the BC PNP with IRCC. Once the entrepreneur completes the terms of the Performance Agreement, he or she can submit a Final Report to the BC PNP to be issued a nomination certificate. The entrepreneur must demonstrate that he or she:

  • is actively managing a business (i.e., be accountable for the day-to-day operations of the business) in British Columbia;
  • resides within 100 kilometers of the business;
  • has been physically present in BC for at least 75 percent of the time that he or she was on a work permit; and
  • has complied with any other terms of the Performance Agreement.

Nomination Requirements

December 18, 2019 Entrepreneur Immigration – Base Category 118
December 18, 2019 Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot 112

BC PNP Entrepreneur Stream points system

Up to 200 points are available to eligible candidates, who will receive a score upon registration. Candidates must meet the minimum scores in each section in order to be entered into the selection pool.
 Scoring sectionPoints
Net worth12
Total personal investment20
Regional district12
Self-declared subtotal120
Business conceptCommercial viability30
Transferability of skills20
Economic benefits30
Business concept subtotal80
Maximum score available200


Maximum score available: 24

Minimum requirements for eligibility: 8

Details of the candidate’s business/work experience for the last 10 years should be included, but experience should not be duplicated. For example, if a candidate owned 100 percent of a business but also worked at the business as the General Manager, only the Business Owner-Manager experience should be selected.

Experience Total duration Points
Business owner-manager experience Less than 12 months 0
12 to 24 months 4
25 to 36 months 6
37 to 48 months 12
49 to 60 months 15
More than 60 months 20
Senior manager work experience Less than 24 months 0
24 to 48 months 4
49 to 60 months 8
More than 60 months 12
Maximum score available 20

In addition, candidates may be awarded points if they have owned 100 per cent of a business for at least three of the most recent five years. The 100 per cent ownership of the business may be shared between the candidate, his or her spouse or common-law partner and/or your dependent child(ren).

Ownership Amount Points
Business ownership Less than three years of 100% business ownership in the past five years 0
100% ownership of a business for at least three of the last five years 4
Maximum score available 4

Net worth

Maximum score available: 12

Minimum requirements for eligibility: 5

Candidates may receive points based on their total net worth including that of their spouse or common-law partner, if applicable.

Personal net worth Points
Total current assets (cash and liquid funds) Less than $50,000 0
$50,000 to $199,999 2
$200,000 to $399,999 3
$400,000 or more 4
Subtotal 4
Total personal net worth Less than $600,000 0
$600,000 to $799,999 5
$800,000 to $1,999,999 6
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999 7
$5,000,000 or more 8
Subtotal 8
Maximum score available 12

Personal Investment

Maximum score available: 20

Minimum requirements for eligibility: 8 (10, if proposing a key staff member)

Total personal investment Points
Less than $200,000 0
$200,000 to $399,999 8
$400,000 to $599,999 10
$600,000 to $999,999 11
$1,000,000 to $1,999,999 12
$2,000,000 to $3,999,999 14
$4,000,000 to $7,999,999 16
$8,000,000 or more 20
Maximum score available 20

Jobs created/Maintained

Maximum score available: 20

Minimum requirements for eligibility: Create at least 1 job (3, if proposing a key staff member)

Total Proposed FTE Jobs Points
Less than 1 0
1 job 8
2 jobs 9
3 jobs 10
4 jobs 11
5 jobs 12
6 jobs 13
7 to 9 jobs 14
10 to 19 jobs 16
20 or more jobs 20
Maximum score available 20

Regional District

Maximum score available: 12

Minimum requirements for eligibility: The applicant must work at the primary place of business in the proposed regional district.

Points are awarded for the location of the proposed business based on the population sizes of BC’s Regional Districts.

Location Based on BC Regional District Points
500,000 people or more 0
200,000 to 499,999 1
100,000 to 199,999 3
70,000 to 99,999 6
60,000 to 69,999 8
35,000 to 59,999 10
Fewer than 35,000 people 12
Maximum score available 12

Based on official 2016 data, this would translate into the following points totals being awarded in specific Regional Districts.

Regional DistrictPopulationPoints
Greater Vancouver2,558,0290
Fraser Valley301,2381
Central Okanagan197,0753
Fraser-Fort George90,9156
North Okanagan85,1646
Cowichan Valley84,0146
Peace River66,5048
Central Kootenay60,7758
East Kootenay58,96010
Sunshine Coast29,24312
Powell River20,32812
Skeena-Queen Charlotte17,38912
Mount Waddington11,13912
Northern Rockies5,99212
Central Coast3,24812

*Source: BC Stats 2016 Sub-Provincial Population Estimates


Maximum score available: 32

Minimum requirements for eligibility: none

Adaptability Factor Points
English language proficiency None or minimal, similar to CLB 3 and below 0
Basic understanding, similar to CLB 4 2
Intermediate and advanced, similar to CLB 5 and above 4
Education level Secondary school or less 0*
Associate degree 2
Diploma / certificate (non-trades) 2
Diploma / certificate (trades) 2
Bachelor’s degree 5
Post-graduate diploma / certificate 5
Master’s degree 8
Doctorate / PhD 8
Age Less than 25 0
25 – 34 4
35 – 44 8
45 – 54 6
55 – 64 4
65 or older 0
Business exploratory visits No, or visited BC more than 3 years ago 0
Yes, visited BC 1 – 3 years ago 1
Yes, visited BC less than 1 year ago, but did not visit the Regional District of the proposed business 2
Yes, visited the Regional District of the proposed business less than 1 year ago 4
Canadian work experience, business experience, or studies from within Canada for at least 12 months No 0
Yes 8
Maximum score available 32
*If your score for Education Level is 0, you will not be eligible to register unless you have at least three years of active management experience of a business that you had 100 per cent ownership in the last five years.

Business Concept

Maximum score available: 80

Minimum requirements for eligibility: 32

The BC PNP assesses the business concept and scores it according to the following framework: commercial viability (up to 30 points), transferability of skills (up to 20 points), and economic benefits (up to 30 points).

Commercial viability

This section is divided into the following factors, with a corresponding points breakdown.

Overall Commercial Viability Points
Business model 10
Market & products/services 4
Eligible personal investment 4
Assessment of proposed personal investment 6
Ownership percentage 4
Risk factors 2
Maximum score available 30
Business Model Points
Unsatisfactory / Unclear
  • Proposed scale of business is not consistent with industry/regional norms.
  • Business model does not clearly identify and/or describe the business operation from start to finish.
  • Business model does not clearly identify the products and/or services being offered.
  • Business concept does not provide details of applicant’s proposed role.
  • Business concept does not provide substantive information on local business partner and/or co-applicant and/or key staff (if applicable).
  • Proposed key staff is ineligible and/or the co-registrants do not demonstrate a prior working/business relationship.
  • If purchasing an existing business: the proposed expansion plan does not effectively address a plan to upgrade/improve or expand the existing business, or is ineligible.
  • If purchasing an existing business: the proposed expansion plan relies primarily upon unsubstantiated investment and/or job creation and appears to be inconsistent with industry/regional norms.
  • Business model is clearly identified and describes the business operation from start to finish.
  • Business model clearly identifies the products and/or services being offered.
  • Proposed scale of business is consistent with industry/regional norms iv. business concept provides substantive information on local business partner and/or co-applicant and/or key staff (if applicable).


A good business model will be determined if, in addition to core requirements for fair, the business concept also meets at least 3 of the following factors:
  • Proposed investment and jobs plan is consistent with the business model (must score 6 points for assessment of investment and score 6 points for jobs assessment)
  • Business model identifies a clear strategy to become commercially viable.
  • Business model’s operational plan is internally consistent iv. applicant’s proposed duties with the business are consistent with applicant’s experience
Maximum score available 10
Market & Product Points
Does not satisfactorily address any of the Market/Product factors 1
Addresses at least one of the Market/Product factors, and is consistent with Business Model 4
Maximum score available 4
Eligible Personal Investment Points
Less than $200,000 or less than $50,000 of eligible expansion investments 0*
$200,000 to $399,999 1
$400,000 to $599,999 2**
$600,000 to $799,999 3
$800,000 or more 4
Maximum score available 4
* If you score 0 points in this section, your registration will be disqualified. ** If you are proposing a key staff and your score in this section is less than 2 points, your registration will be disqualified
Risk factors Points
  • proposing external financing OR
  • proposing to invest more than 50% of your personal net worth OR
  • you are proposing to partner with a co-registrant
None of the above 2
Maximum score available 2

Transferability of skills

Candidates will receive points based on their direct experience and/or experience in related industries for the last 10 years, according to the following points breakdown.
Transferability of Skills Points
Business experience only 12+ months of experience in an unrelated industry 2
12 months or less of direct experience or 12 to 36 months of related experience 5
13 to 24 months of direct experience or 37+ months of related experience 8
13 to 24 months of direct experience and 37+ months of related experience 10
25 to 36 months of direct experience 12
25 to 36 months of direct experience and 37+ months of related experience 14
37 to 60 months of direct experience 16
37 to 60 months of direct experience and 37+ months of related experience 18
More than 60 months of direct experience 20
Work experience only 12+ months of experience in an unrelated industry 2
12 months or less of direct experience or 12 to 36 months of related experience 4
13 to 36 months of direct experience or 37+ months of related experience 6
13 to 36 months of direct experience and 37+ months of related experience 8
37 to 60 months of direct experience 10
37 to 60 months of direct experience and 37+ months of related experience 12
More than 60 months of direct experience 14
Language ability Minimal to none (Similar to CLB 3 or below) 0
Basic language proficiency (Similar to CLB 4) 1
Intermediate or above language proficiency (Similar to CLB 5 or above) 2
Maximum score available

Economic benefits

This section is divided into the following factors and corresponding points totals.

Overall Economic Benefit PointsPoints
Key Sector & Significant Economic Benefit12
Jobs assessment6
High-skilled jobs (NOC 0, A or B)4
Regional Development8
Maximum score available30
Key Sector / Significant Economic Benefit ScoringPoints
Does not identify or substantiate any key sectors or any significant economic benefits3
Substantiates at least 1 key sector or at least 1 significant economic benefit8
Substantiates at least 1 key sector and at least 1 significant economic benefit12
Maximum score available12
Jobs assessment Points
The business concept does not support the creation of at least 1 FTE position, or, if proposing a key staff, the creation of at least 3 FTE positions 0*
Jobs plan does not correspond to the type and scale of the business 1
Jobs plan corresponds to the type and scale of the business 6
Maximum score available 6
*If you score 0 points in this section, your registration will be disqualified.
Development RegionPoints
Lower Mainland / Southwest2
Vancouver Island and Coast4
Thompson / Okanagan4
North Coast8
North Coast8
Maximum score available8

The Pool

Registrations that meet the minimum points total in every section will be entered into the qualified pool. Registrations in the qualified pool are valid for 180 days.

Candidates who are not invited to apply to the BC PNP within 180 days of qualifying will be removed from the pool. Registrants may only have one active BC PNP registration or application at any given time.

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