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Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP)
The PEI PNP is one of Canada’s Provincial Nominee Programs, or PNPs, through which provinces may nominate individuals for Canadian permanent residence based on criteria set by the province. The PEI PNP offers immigration streams for candidates in the government of Canada’s Express Entry pool, as well as skilled workers (currently working in PEI or outside Canada), graduates of local higher education institutions, and for business immigrants who want to operate a business in PEI.
If you want to immigrate to Canada and would consider moving to the province of Prince Edward Island (PEI, Canada’s smallest province by area), then the PEI Provincial Nominee Program, commonly known as the PEI PNP, could be the perfect Canadian immigration option for you. Nominated persons can settle in PEI with accompanying family members, if applicable.

Prince Edward Island Nominee Program
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The PEI PNP accepts applications under three major immigration categories:
The province accepts applications under this category from individuals who possess skills and experience that are needed in PEI’s labour market. This category is divided into three streams. They are as follows:
Skilled Worker Stream
This stream is for workers who have been identified or hired by a PEI employer. To apply to this stream, an individual must be either currently working in PEI or have a job offer from an employer in the province. Eligible applicants will work in a skilled profession and possess relevant experience and at least a post-secondary degree or diploma.
Critical Worker Stream
This stream is for workers who have already been hired by a PEI employer, and whose employer would like to sponsor them for permanent residency. Eligible applicants can work in a semi-skilled or unskilled profession.
International Graduate Stream
This stream is for recent graduates from recognized accredited Prince Edward Island universities and colleges who have already been hired by a PEI employer. Eligible applicants will work in a skilled profession in their field of study.
Work Permit Stream
This stream helps individuals who wish to invest in a PEI business to transition to PEI on a work permit prior to receiving a provincial nomination. During their time on a work permit, applicants are expected to begin working in Canada and to learn about the business in which he or she will be investing.
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Globe Overseas Legal (GOL) is a Canadian company with head office in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada. GOL consists of a number of entities each specializing in sectors of immigration, investment, education and foreign worker recruitment with Expertise of many years.