A reminder from Canadian government for international students ahead of fall semester.
Canada has begun easing border measures but a quarantine plan is still needed at the border (even if you don’t actually use it).
Starting August 9, you no longer need an on-arrival test for COVID-19, if you are fully vaccinated. Only in randomly selected cases a person may be asked for on the spot test.
What does “fully vaccinated” mean for Canada as of now (else you will still be considered unvaccinated):
- Only if it has been 14 days since you got the final dose of a vaccine, approved by Health Canada.
- Approved vaccine include: Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zeneca, and Janssen.
- Your proof of vaccination must be in English or French, or else you need a certified translation.
Quarantine for two weeks for fully vaccinated travellers is no longer required. This also marks the end of hotel quarantine, where travellers had to pay to stay in a government-approved hotel.
Having said that, you still have to show up with a suitable quarantine plan in case the border officer determines you do not meet the exemption. The federal government issued a press note specifically for international students coming to Canada this fall, reminding them of what they need to do in order to travel to Canada.
What is needed to enter Canada for studies:
– A valid study permit (or letter of introduction) showing that you have been approved for a study permit.
– You must be enrolled in a designated learning institution having COVID-19 readiness plan. You can find the most updated list on the government website. (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/students/approved-dli.html )
Flights from India:
At least until 21st August, Canada has suspended direct flights from India to Canada. Students from India will have to find a way to circumvent this by flying though other routes.
COVID-19 test will still be needed from the third country before flying in to Canada.
Quarantine plan still needed:
A plan to manage the quarantine period for international students as part of its COVID-19 readiness plan is needed at the border. Your place of stay must also allow access to food and medicine during your stay. Its suggested that you take help of your school in developing your quarantine plan before you arrive in Canada.
You must submit your plan to border officials through the ArriveCAN app. It is where you submit all the documents you will need for travel. (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/arrivecan.html )
Even if you are fully vaccinated, you will still need a quarantine plan.
Change in rules, COVID-19 and Travel:
Rules are subjected to changes as and when deemed right by Health Canada. Any change will depend upon coronavirus situation in Canada and around the world.
It is the responsibility of Health Canada to bring in change to border measures and department such as the Canadian border, works to implement the Health Canada’s recommendations.
Although international travel restrictions fall under the federal governments purview but provincial governments are responsible for their own healthcare systems. The federal government offers a list of each provincial government’s website including measures for travellers. (https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/symptoms/provincial-territorial-resources-covid-19.html )
Apart from this your learning institution will also have its own COVID rules and regulations.